Meet a Staffer: Lea Diamond

Title: Director, Human Resources
Department: Administration
Years at the Association: 3
Email Address: lea.diamond@autocare.org
Favorite Apps: Zillow, Instagram, TooGoodToGo
Words to live by/motto: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
What have you enjoyed working on the most for the auto care industry?
The articulation of our association’s core values: Teamwork, Curiosity, Integrity, Fun. These are what we strive for every day to help us serve the members best! TCIF!
Tell us about your life outside of work.
I am in two book clubs, enjoy spending time with friends visiting local wineries and am a relatively new fan of F1 racing. I hope to see an in-person race later this year.
Tell us a few fun facts about you that would surprise people.
I have donated 29 gallons of platelets and was once named Homecoming Court Jester.

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