emerging technologies
The Auto Care Association Emerging Technologies Committee works to influence design and usage requirements for vehicle network interfaces, vehicle connectivity and connected aftermarket devices on behalf of the auto care industry. Committee members work to ensure those requirements are reflected by Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs), including SAE International, ISO and IEEE. Furthermore, the committee aims to research and investigate emerging technologies within the broader industry, sharing knowledge and expertise with other association stakeholders.
The committee, which is comprised of a standing committee and numerous supporting workgroups, is structured to meet these research and implementation goals. Individuals who are employed by a company that is in good standing with the Auto Care Association
and who meet the qualifications will be appointed by the committee chair to either the standing committee, a specific workgroup, or both.
Committee members serve three-year terms and are eligible to serve one consecutive three-year term.
The committee will meet in-person each fall during the AAPEX show in Las Vegas, Nev., and each spring at a location determined by the committee.
Please read the Emerging Technologies Committee Charter for additional information on eligibility, obligations and expectations.
Selection Criteria
The following is provided as a broad but not exhaustive list of skills and experience common to most members participating in the development of industry standards. This list is not meant to be exclusionary but rather serve as a guide for those interested in serving as either Emerging Technologies Committee members or Committee Workgroup members. Members of the Emerging Technologies Committee should feel comfortable overseeing Workgroup activities and deliverables within the context of these technologies.
Direct participation as a workgroup member (subject matter expert, designer, engineer, technical writer, project manager) in the design and/or development of commercial or proprietary products utilizing vehicle communications and/or telematics technologies, including:
- Vehicular ECUs, e.g., PCM, ECM, BCM, SRS
- Vehicular application of DSRC or cellular communications
- Internal vehicle networking protocols, e.g., CAN Bus, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet
- Intelligent Transport Systems technologies, e.g., C-ITS/U-ITS and CALM
- Diagnostic protocols such as OBDII and UDS
- Diagnostic devices and applications, e.g., scan tools / “dongles” and related applications
In your application, please be sure to mention any experience you have in the development of and/or application of open industry standards for the design and development of proprietary and/or commercial automotive solutions, e.g., ISO, SAE, IEEE, etc.