Joint E-commerce Trends and Outlook Forecast
How much of aftermarket sales is attributable to E-commerce, and what is projected for the next five years?
The Auto Care Association, in partnership with Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), commissioned the 2022 Joint E-commerce Trends and Outlook Forecast to provide our members with the insights needed to navigate these questions. We are committed to being the first place you go for industry views on how developments like e-commerce may impact your business.
Made possible by the invaluable contributions of our research partners, this study was led by Jefferies, with contributors Bolt, SPS Commerce, Hedges & Company, IMR Inc., MacKay & Company, and S&P Global.
All employees of Auto Care Association member companies are provided with a digital copy of the 2022 Joint E-commerce Trends and Outlook Forecast at no cost as a benefit of their membership.
In this study, readers will find:
- E-commerce market sales projections through 2025;
- Share of sales through e-commerce for selected part categories;
- Insights to Medium/Heavy Duty fleet operator purchasing behavior by channel;
- Key aspects of successful industry participants’ digital presence features for consumers;
- Exploration of research and purchase behaviors by channel and consumer demographics.
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Combine it with newly-released Joint Electrification Forecast for even more insights into the evolving auto care industry.