Registration Open for 2023 Auto Care Association Legislative Summit, Fall Leadership Days Events
By Zoi' Holloway

The Auto Care Legislative Summit is the only legislative fly-in event specifically focused on the issues impacting the independent aftermarket industry. The summit includes education on relevant policy issues, remarks from top policymakers, and individual meetings with members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill. The Auto Care Association’s government affairs team equips all attendees with the schedules, resources and talking points for each meeting. Only the attendee's presence and passion for the industry is needed.
The Auto Care Association's Fall Leadership Days event is for the association's top volunteers and engaged members to discuss industry issues and drive key initiatives.
Auto Care's Fall Leadership Days event brings together the volunteer leaders of the association's member communities and advisory committees to discuss community and industry trends and help steer the direction of the association's initiatives and efforts. Non-committee members are permitted to attend these meetings, unless other specified.
“The efforts we're seeing this summer to stop our industry's momentum of securing our right to repair are only ramping up,” said Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, Auto Care Association. “I hope to see faces from across our industry at the Legislative Summit this fall, where we will speak in one unified voice with members of Congress on the importance of supporting our industry by passing the REPAIR Act.”
Registration is required for both events. A registration fee is required to attend the 2023 Auto Care Fall Leadership Days event. This fee is waived for official volunteer leaders.
For further details on these two events, including hotel and registration information, please visit