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December 19, 2022

6 Ways You Can Help Close the Technician Shortage Gap

Addressing the technician shortage is a frequent topic of conversation in the automotive aftermarket. According to recent stats from TechForce, nearly one million technicians across industries will be needed by 2026. So, what can we do as an industry to support hiring automotive, collision and diesel technicians to close the gap?

Here are six simple things anyone can do to make a difference, no matter your role in the industry:


1000000 technicians

across industries will be needed by 2026

sourced from TechForce

Tell your local legislator to support apprenticeships and vocational programs that inspire our young workforce to explore careers that don’t require a four-year degree.

Not sure how to find them? Use these handy House and Senate find your representative tools.

Share the positive impact of our industry on your career to encourage others in your network to join our industry. Social media is a great place to start!

Partner with or sponsor organizations that are helping draw new technicians into our workforce. A rising tide raises all boats. Techforce, ASE, and UNOH are great examples. You can also donate to the University of the Aftermarket Foundation in a variety of easy ways both personally or on behalf of a company. UAF provides hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships yearly to support aftermarket education.

If you employ techs, provide them with training opportunities through your buying group programs, or take advantage of opportunities to send them to AAPEX training for free via the Sponsor a Tech program.

Contact your local educational facilities to learn about their vocational programming and inquire how automotive can be a part of that.

Right to Repair Logo

Support the future of our service centers. Technicians need the right to repair vehicles –the same tools and training the OE-operated dealer facilities are provided in order to keep up with today’s vehicles. We’re currently in a battle to win access to the wirelessly generated vehicle repair and maintenance data – tell your local legislator that we need the right to repair in just a few clicks here.

For more career tools and resources, including scholarships, visit our Careers Toolkit.  



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